To start with any new venture or job you either need to have the knowledge, be prepared or both. Building a relationship with ourselves, we are our biggest nemesis and it stands for reason why most times we struggle in making a decision, because we might be uncertain of ourselves.
Fixing yourself is a job on its own. I'm 54 in perimenopause for the last 4 years and I'm glad I nipped things in the bud before I got screamingly loud or out of control.
To start I would suggest keeping a note book on hand, find your purpose for this chapter of your life, or what do you want to achieve from this change. If however you have already started and fallen off the wagon you are free to start over at anytime. Rule 1 is don't be to hard on yourself it only causes stress.
First and for most is when you begin you do things slowly and in moderation and then work your way up. My philosophy is 'just show up and worry about perfection later'. Remember everything you are doing is to heal, mend and a better lifestyle going forward. So it shouldn't hurt nor be unlikeable.
Then when you got yourself going, figure out a routine and how many days you want to start working out and what your nutrition should be (more on this in my next post).I keep rest days between a hard day of exercise like weights. Mix things up, here's what I do, 2 days swimming, weights, the rest is strengthening, stretching, running and walking everyday. I rest most weekends with no exercise at all. At the beginning I would not do any form of exercises between days.
So get a note book and get cracking for a new you.